Advantages of Facebook Marketing for Your Business

The importance of social media, especially Facebook, in today’s world is mindblowing, and if you’re not using it to drive your business, then you’re losing out! Social media marketing demands both creativity and strategy; of course, the learning curve might be steep for some, but its benefits are too big to overlook. That is why almost every digital marketing agency who knows their trade uses Facebook to increase brand awareness, while a huge number of sales people across the world utilise social media to gain a huge advantage over their peers. And that is just the tip of the iceberg, for Facebook’s benefits extend far beyond increasing sales.
But the fact is that many companies do not use Facebook marketing to promote their business because they do not realize its importance. Even in today’s digital age, a good percentage of businesses don’t even have a plan to employ the benefits of social media marketing.
The crucial thing to have when using Facebook marketing is to have strong and appealing content on your blog or website. Imagine a scenario where your content, when shared on Facebook, gets hundreds of shares. This will encourage other users to link to your content on their own blogs, which will enable search engines to understand that you have great content, and subsequently rank your post higher than your competition.
While it’s free to create a social media profile and share organic content, you can go the extra mile and reach out to an even bigger audience by using paid promotions. If you were thinking marketing on Facebook is expensive then you’re mistaken; the social media giant gives you the option to set your own budget and will promote your ad toward users interested in what you’re advertising. The best digital marketing agency in Kerala will help you set up a campaign by including various parameters that help define your audience and set a budget, and Facebook will do the rest by giving you a significant return on your investment.
Another great benefit to using Facebook online marketing is the ability to use retargeting your target audience. It’s a proven fact that only a very small number of users actually buy something on their first visit to a website; advertising and retargeting will help you to reach out to the remaining huge user base that is still considering to buy. Essentially, retargeting works by maintaining a list of people who visit your site by placing anonymous cookies within their browser. When the user visits Facebook, later on, your ads will be displayed to them, subtly encouraging them to return to your site to buy your product or service.
Okay, so now your Facebook page is getting good traffic, which means a lot of people are visiting. But what use is all that traffic when it doesn’t help drive conversions? A great way to achieve the same is by adding call to action buttons, which encourages your customer to do something. By creating appealing visuals and social media text, you make the customer feel empowered to take an action, such as buying your product. Lead them to your site, and ensure your website is interesting enough to finally drive the conversion.
Contests, giveaways and freebies are also a great way to entice potential customers. By creating such posts, your company can ask people to spread the word and get even more people aware of your business. People are typically happier to buy something from a business from which they have already received some free or discounted products.
One important thing to keep in mind is to not create free ads. For instance, people get on Facebook to see what their friends and family are doing, to chat with them, and to follow their topics of interest. No one comes to Facebook with the sole intention of buying a product. If you post-normal content with a call to action at the end, chances are your audience will feel cheated. The easiest way to overcome this is by directly placing ads, which Facebook places on your target audience’s timeline, so that your customers know exactly what they’re seeing and will take (hopefully) favourable action.
With over hundreds of millions of Facebook groups, chances are high you will find your target markets among those. Spending some time to discover such groups and getting actively involved in the same can work wonders for your business. In a similar vein, you can follow influencers and thought leaders who are posting about subjects in your industry. If they like what they see in your business, they are likely to follow you back. This is a great idea because people will be even more sure of your product when they see hugely popular individuals or companies following your page.
Finally, timeliness is everything. Facebook is among the best ways to keep your customers, both existing and potential, up-to-date with your new products, services and upcoming events. If your business has a new product on the market or a big sale, then Facebook is the best way to make the announcement and to spread the word across hundreds of thousands of interested people.
Viral Mafia Digital, the best digital marketing agency in Kochi, can help your business find success and drive sales through Facebook marketing.
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