Digital Marketing & Sales

How can Brands Earn More By Taking Advantage Of Online Reviews in 2024?

Online media platforms do influence brand value with significant brand earnings. While this phenomenon instigates increasing consumer power over various brands, we can unhesitatingly mention that brand value and brand earnings are highly governed by the reviews provided by online consumers. The gist of the above statements is that brand equity and simultaneous brand earnings are incredibly reliant on the feedback or reviews your company receives from its users.

Viral Mafia is a digital marketing agency based in Calicut that is dedicated to providing multiple digital marketing solutions and services on demand for its clients, including Tata Motors, Kannankandy, Sadhbhavana World School, Sreedhareeyam, and T.I.M.E. to name a few. Having proven its excellence and expertise in vivid areas of digital marketing, Viral Mafia has stupendously gone on to receive an alternative title, namely, the ‘Growth Hacking Agency.’ Connecting with brands across various industries with proficiency, versatility, and valor, Viral Mafia has remarkably grown as a major digital marketing brand in a shorter time since it came into being.

So, let’s explore how Viral Mafia as a brand enhances its earnings through online reviews.

Why do Online Reviews Matter in 2024?

With changes happening every fraction of a second, it is only natural for us to infer that one should be resilient to the same to flow along. Where things keep evolving, so do businesses, and even more so, the way they are being reviewed. The need to accept changes is critical to one’s growth and it applies to business reviews. With online reviews trending forth more so nowadays, companies or brands heeding to them are likely to develop 10 times more than their competitors, and this is not an exaggeration.

Five Reasons Why You Need Online Reviews

Still doubtful of the importance of online reviews? Please go through the points below to know the reasons.

  • Accountability

If as a company, you receive favorable evaluations on a constant note, you are guaranteed to achieve brand awareness that will surely take your brand to a level that will bring you higher earnings.

  • Better Visibility

Search engines, such as Google, Bing, MSN, etc., rank specific brands based on relevance score. The higher the relevance score, the higher the ranking, resulting in greater brand visibility from its webpage based on the number of times the keyword appears there.

  • Conversions

Your brand derives 5x conversion rates when potential customers purchase from your store based on previous positive customer reviews.

  • Decision Making

If you are successful in increasing your brand visibility online, chances are that your brand will derive the reputation it deserves. Content marketing and social media enhance decision-making from your customers’ ends. These are the tools that effectively communicate your presence to prospective customers.

  • Driving Sales

Among the multiple factors that render your brand a sales pitch, it is the online customer reviews you receive that ultimately serve to increase your brand awareness and improve your sales to a significant extent. 

How Can Brands Earn More Through Online Reviews in 2024?

As opposed to the traditional word-of-mouth marketing, online reviews are increasing at a faster pace. At every second, you may get to watch increased subscriptions and comments or reviews regarding a specific brand or to say, video content on YouTube. While these subscriptions and reviews are indicative of higher online visibility, they also critically communicate the importance of actively developing your brand. As such, tools like content marketing and social media play a pivotal role in fetching positive online reviews for your brand by rightly informing your prospective users.

Online reviews are critical to establishing brand equity as these tend to be positive for the most part. Customers are encouraged to write in positively about your brand on specific third-party websites, which doubtlessly enhances your brand visibility. While your brand graduates to achieving brand equity, it will not be long for you to start getting suitable earnings through these endeavors.

Bet that the reasons pointed out in the above section have been able to make you realize the significance of online reviews to enhance your brand visibility, brand perception, and ultimately brand earnings in this digital era.


Viral Mafia, the digital marketing agency in Calicut has been exemplary in receiving multiple accolades and appreciation from its clients and customers through its efficiency in not only heeding to their needs and expectations, but also setting the benchmark for being the best SEO agency in Calicut. The credit for this goes to its team of expert SEO analysts, designers, technical support staff, and content writers, who are adept at solving your concerns regarding your branding and related requirements. As this digital marketing agency engages in serving you, it in the interim keeps itself updated through online reviews to serve its clients better than before, which will help strengthen its brand perception and image.

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